Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 14

No writing for two days...dang it all.

Tomorrow we celebrate the birthday of the Reverand Dr. Martin Luther King jr and the civil rights movement. I often wonder had I been born during that time, what my contribution would have been to the movement. Would I have been actively fighting for freedom or would I just have been someone standing by too afraid to speak up? too afraid of what may happen if I do? I never take my freedom for granted. I know that all it can take is a pen and a piece of government paper to take it away.

What saddens me is that as far forward as we have come, we are still bound. We take two steps forward and three steps back. So many of our children do not know enough about where we've been nor who we are. They don't realize who paved the way for the freedoms that we take for granted.

Our kids are killing each other at alarming rates...over what seems to be no reason at all other that they just have no regard for human life...not even their own. I don't blame the kids really...their parents, grandparents and those before them are really at fault. We cannot rely on the broken school system to teach our history to our children. This is our job. I believe that we are failing this test. How can we teach what we ourselves do not know. I know some adults who don't our history either. Who is Harriet Tubman, Sojouner Truth, Nat Turner, WEB Dubois, Ralph Abernathy, or any of the black panther leader who had good least initally.

One question that remains on my mind...where we will be 20 years from now?

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