Wednesday, January 13, 2010

day 12

Why is it that women let themselves go? I don't mean not getting your hair done as much or that it's been a month since your last mani or pedi but really letting go? Now I can understand women with small children in the house. Who has time for primping when you've got a 3 year old, a 5 year old and a 7 year old needing ALL of your attention. (although...if you're married, you have to remember what you did to hook him, right. Also, he might want to pitch in and help you out a little sometimes)

I am talking about empty nesters and those of us who are still single or those single due to circumstances. Why don't we do what we used to do? I still do SOME things that I used to do but I am getting a little slack and I have NO excuse. I used to be a better dresser. I'm not really taking care of myself as much as I used to. Not getting proper sleep, not really keeping the house as clean (although it's not bad...yet). What happened? I don't really know. I don't feel bad about myself or depressed. Maybe I have just gotten complacent about me. I still take care of my skin and my hair is all natural now and I take care of it but the rest of me??? well I need to really step up.

Not because of some man but for me. I have watched attractive women just let themselves go so far away from what they once were that you hardly recognize them anymore and they just seem so unhappy to me. I don't want to be that woman. Not now and not 10 years or 20 years from now.

So what's my solution? I am going to make an attempt and 'righting' some things. It is amazing to me how seemingly lazy that I have become. I try not to get upset with myself but it kind of difficult. Since I am not a very organized person, that is the first thing that I need to work on.

hmmmm that's all I'ma say tonight.


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