Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day 11

I love:

1. Jesus...thank you Lord
2. The smell of freshly cut grass
3. That butter popcorn smell at the movies
4. My bed after I change my sheets and put baby powder inbetween the mattress and mattress pad.
5. the way my skin feels after I put shea butter all over it.
6. McDonalds french fries or basically any french fries...unfortunately
7. the smell of coffee brewing
8. the smell of tea brewing
9. the smell of bread baking
10. the smell of Ivory soap on a man's freshly showered body
11. Chocolate...everything about it LOL
12. A really good book
13. documentaries about travel and well..just about anything
14. babies...man, they are so cute
15. Puppies
16. Summer nights
17. sitting by a water front(water is very soothing)
18. a beautiful landscape (seeing it from a distance)
19. Pajamas (I have lots and want lots more)
20. New Panties...I always buy some when I go shopping
21. Music
22. Writing
23. drawing (even though I'm not very good at it)
24. Old sit coms
25. Laughing
26. Staying in nice hotels (though I don't get to do it often)
27. My blankie (yes I have a blankie like Linus)
28. British Mysteries
29. my natural hair
30. sleeping late when I'm off work
31. NPR and PBS
32. the way it smells outside after it rains
33. how my car looks when I get it washed (which is not often enough)
34. the smell of dried Eucalyptus leaves
35. Nectarines (the taste and the smell)
36. Melons (honeydew and cantalope)
37. Pineapples
38. Pure Apple Juice (like Simply Apple)
39. Seafood
40. oh yeah...my family LOL
41. My house

Okay with the exception of the first one...these are not in any order of importance.

Good night....
*how many days left?

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